fact check to the hormonal IUDs Mirena-Jaydess-Skyla-Liletta-Kyleena - Risk hormonal IUD

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The promises of the hormonal IUD are checked here
Mirena decreases your monthly menstruation problems (shorter, lighter, painless bleeding)
For some women this would work, but many women report heavier and longer periods, not only in the first weeks/months, but much longer - culminating in extended bleedings staying for weeks.
2.To have no bleeding is medically harmless and doesn't influence a future pregnancy
The absence of the monthly bleeding (Amenorrhoea) is a condition that needs basic gynecological treatment and is mentioned on the list of side effects at the product insert.
3.Pregnancy is possible in the first month after Mirena
While ovulation does return for some women in the first cycle after Mirena, many women report that while trying to conceive they needed months to become pregnant. This may be caused by missing ovulation. (see point 8). Some women experienced an early menopause, and some couldn't become pregnant anymore. For these reasons Mirena was originally previewed for women who had previously given birth. It's incomprehensible why today Mirena (also Skyla and Liletta) is given to very young women, because the fundamental problem is the same: natural progesterone levels decrease if the body gets the artificial progestogen.
4.The Mirena only has a "local effect"
An absolute local effect is physiologically impossible, because the womb is extremely well perfused and connected to multiple body systems, including the endocrine and circulatory systems. The synthetic progesterone agent goes very quickly into the blood circuit and is processed throughout the body.
5.Very low dosage of the hormone Levonorgestrel
Quite the contrary! The IUD Mirena releases daily as much Levonorgestrel as two mini pills, as it is mentioned in this article. If women have a slower metabolism or metabolic problems (i.e. hypothyroidism) it can be the equivalent of as many as six mini pills
6.Mirena gets by without estrogen
The harmfulness of excess estrogen has been proven for a long time. But the harmfulness and the long term side effects of progestogen are hardly known.
7.96 % of the users are satisfied
According to a Finnish study (2004) 43% of Mirena users chose another contraceptive before the prescribed 5 year usage period. A British study about Jaydess (2015) had nearly the same result. Only 57% of the Jaydess users kept their IUD for the entire 3 years.
Since ovulation isn't blocked, the natural cycle is not affected
A German medical publication of 1997 revealed in a survey that only
50 % of the women in their first year with hormonal IUD had regularly experienced ovulation.
9.The active component of the IUD doesn't influence the breast milk
The active components descend into the breast milk. The producer of the IUD claims, that it's only a dosage of 0.1 % and that it's harmless for the infant. Realizing that the level of progesterone in the body of the mother is much higher than expected, 0.1% can't be correct. Further, there exists no proof of the harmlessness of the trace synthetic progesterone for the infant. By contrast, a survey from Chile (2002) indicated that higher incidence rates of respiratory infections and eye infections occurred on infants who had been breast-fed by mothers who had an hormonal implant with Levonorgestrel (same active component as in hormonal IUDs).
10.Mirena probably protects against certain infections
There are no proofs regarding this claim. In a German dissertation from 2011, one German doctor noted a correlation between the hormonal IUD and an increased risk for chronically infections. Moreover, women regularly report itching and increased instances of yeast infection-like symptoms while on the Mirena.  
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